Monday, July 16, 2012

My Monday Musing

Have you ever noticed how the older you get the faster time goes by. Apparently this is all relative to how long we have been alive. To a one year old, one year is a lifetime, but to a 50 year old, a year is a 1/50 of their life. I am not sure if this really is why time seems to fly, but I am certain that each year of my life passes quicker than the year before.

A lot has happened this year, and I have spent a lot of time thinking about life.

The sudden popularity of the acronym “yolo” (You only live once)is mocked by many, including myself – But there is really a lot of truth in it, and I believe we need to apply it to our lives.

A friend of mine lost her father shortly after discovering he had an inoperable brain tumor. The sad realisation that tomorrow is not promised to any of us encouraged her and her husband to take a year to travel the world together.

Situations like this are common and I am sure you are able to think of one that has happened in your own life, or at least to someone close to you.

Every day we are alive is a special occasion.

Why waste your time on things and people that make you unhappy. Each day should be lived without regrets. Don’t regret things you have said and done that cannot be changed – Apologise if necessary, and let it go. Don’t allow for regrets of things you should have said or done either.

This is most certainly not a reason to become reckless – For goodness sake, you don’t want to shorten your precious life – But do take risks.

Be kind to yourself and others. Accept and give compliments. Share.

Don’t waste too much time worrying about what other people will say and think – Those thoughts are theirs to own, not yours.

Try the things you have always wanted to try. Experience different things. Appreciate special moments. Say the things you want to say to people – don’t be afraid. Tell the people you love and care about how much they mean to you. Do all you do with great enthusiasm and passion – If you can’t ask yourself why – and make a change.

Most importantly, live.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Playing with Paper

At college we were forced go beyond our boundaries, we always had to try and stretch our imaginations, and create things that were unusual. Within reason, we were not taught a right and a wrong way – we had to experiment, and create new ways of doing things. I believe that this is the most wonderful way to create – Unfortunately, as we grow up, we lose a large part of our imagination, and we begin to confine ourselves to the limits set in place by reality and logic.

In our first year we did a project that was based on recycling, and for the most part, paper was the material of choice. I used paper mache to create a corset – which on a cold winters day, using my own torso, was not the most pleasant experience. I remember looking at all the pieces created by my class mates, and being amazed by the execution of such unique ideas. I was so lucky to be surrounded by such creative individuals, many of whom knew no limits – the environment was in itself so stimulating, and encouraged creativity, and limitless thinking.

Recently, I have spent a lot of time online, scouring various resources for paper related inspiration. I was absolutely astounded when I discovered Belgian artist and sculptor, Isabelle de Borchgrave. Following a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 1994, Isabelle dreamed up paper costumes.

Images Isabelle de Borchgrave

How amazing is the attention to detail. Each and every fold, the fine texture of the lace, the movement of the ruffles…
I feel truly inspired once again – I want to push the envelope (pun intended), and create something beautifully unique. I want to test my imagination, and let go of all limitations.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Heart Home

The home of stylist and blogger, Catherine Sheppard, was recently featuered on The Glitter Guide.

 All images The Glitter Guide


Monday, July 2, 2012